Become one of our ride sponsors and help us save lives by spreading the Share the Road message!
We ride in memory of people whose lives ended in cycling related accidents.
Grand Tour Sponsor: $5,000
- Exclusive Above the Name rights on all Share the Road Ride promotional materials
- “Presented by” and your company logo on all media
- A link to your website from the Soaring Spirits website and the official ride website
- Advertise in rider bags
- Five ride registrations
Yellow Jersey Sponsor: $2,500
- Top level name placement on event promotional materials
- Your logo and a link to your website from the official ride website
- Advertise in rider bags
- Three ride registrations
Green Jersey Sponsor: $1,500
- Top level name placement on event promotional materials
- Your logo and a link to your website from the official ride website
- Advertise in rider bags
- Two ride registrations
King of the Mountain: $1,000
- Name placement on event promotional materials
- A link to your website from the official ride website
- Advertise in rider bags
- One ride registration
Domestique Sponsor: $500
- Name placement on event promotional materials
- Mention of your website from the official ride website
Sponsor online at:
Sponsor by mail:
2828 Cochran St. #194
Simi Valley, Ca 93065
Please send high quality logo images to [email protected]
Your support is invaluable, thank you! Questions? [email protected] 877-671-4071
All proceeds from the ride benefit Soaring Spirits International, a 501(c)3 dedicated to providing research-focused, peer-based grief support programs for widowed men and women. EIN: 38-3787893